Woodside Weekly

Kindness  Respect  Excellence  Collaboration

Friday 21st July 2023

Our whole school Attendance

this week is..


Our whole school target is 95%

The magic of summer is in childhood memories and the excitement of creating new onesUnknown

Dear parents and carers

Another year has come to an end. We have had a very busy term with lots of exciting events. We are sad to say goodbye to our year 6 children and wish them every success in their new schools. We would also like to say goodbye to any other children and families who are leaving us and wish them well. 

We have had a number of celebrations this week to say goodbye to Mrs Pearcy. Staff past and present joined together on Thursday after school to celebrate her retirement and reminisce about her 34 years at Woodside. We were treated to a fabulous performance by the Steel band. Thanks to Camilla, Devonte, Rajan, Seth, Ashley, Kai, Jolie and Mr Dowie for your special performance.

We are looking forward to Mr Atwal joining us full time in September. We hope you all have a good break and look forward to seeing you back at school on Thursday 7th September.

Best Wishes, The Woodside Team

Happy Retirement Ms Pearcy


These are this week's attendance figures and leading class in each phase:

EYFS: Pear 91.8%

KS1: 2 Oak 94.8%

KS2: 4 Ash 94.8%

It is essential your child is in school everyday.


Support and Advice

These are very challenging times for everyone with the increase in the cost of living, but there is a lot of help available. Below you will find the contact details of a number of organisations to go to if you need help or advice: 

Don't forget to try out Legacy youth centre this summer! They offer a one off membership (£5), then 50p sessions throughout the week. 

If you have concerns about a child (or their families) welfare, contact Croydon Council’s Single Point of Contact (SPOC) 

Telephone: 020 8726 6400 

Out of hours: 020 8726 6400 (ask for out of hours team) 


Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 16:00 

If you think a child is at risk of immediate harm telephone 999

PE Updates

PE and Well Being 

It has been a fantastic finish to the summer term. The students have done so well in PE. 

NEST/Nursery/Year1/2/3/4/5/6 have all participated in Sports Days and it was great to see so many parents supporting them. It was great seeing their faces light up in celebration assembly today!

Sports Day Results 

NEST/Nursery/Reception Early Year House Winners 

1st = Blue 

2nd = Green 

3rd Joint = Red and Yellow  

Year 1+2 KS1 House Winners 

1st = Blue and Green Team 

2nd = Red and Yellow Team 

Year 3/4/5/6  KS2 House Winners 

1st = Joint Red and Yellow 

2nd = Green Team 

3rd = Blue Team

Thank you to the parents who helped Mrs Pearce take a group of Year 1+2 Girls to the “Let Your Feet Compete” competition and Ms Dawkins. It has been great to see the girls' confidence strive with Dance, let's hope they all continue this. 

There have been lots of children in year 5+6 supporting all these events, children taking responsibility and being Sports Leaders. Thank you to all these students and the Year 5 teachers supporting this too.  

I have only started in January but it has been very exciting and a privilege to organise lots of activities and workshops for the children to participate in for example Whole School Cross Country, Whole School Fun day for the children, they all got very wet but had an excellent time!!

Thank you all and I will see you in September (Mrs Pearce, Health and Well-Being Lead )

Please find below information below on Sports Attack. Within Woodside Primary school we offer the following after school clubs: -

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 1 + 2 Football 

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 Years 3 + 4 Football

Thursday 3:30-4:30 Years 5 + 6 Football 

Friday 3:30-4:30 Years 1 to 6 Multi sports

Clubs are run by coach Dre, Nathan and Derek.

Classes can be found via the link below or contacting us on 07462419194



The summer holidays are just around the corner!

The Nest children have been learning through various fun activities, for example, washing up their favourite resources, enjoying the role play ice cream parlour, pretending to make ice creams, while showing good waiting, sharing and taking turns. They talked about different flavours of the ice cream, going on to count the ice cream cones and learning colour names. 

Last week, they enjoyed 'Fun Friday', playing on the Bouncy Castle. They were rolling, jumping and running around showing much enjoyment. This week they had their end of year party, everyone enjoyed the party food the children brought to share and dancing to the music.

We would like to say a big thank you to all the Nest parents for your kind contributions.

Happy Holidays!


To celebrate our last week at Woodside Nursery, Nursery children joined the rest of the school to watch the ‘Woodside’s Got Talent’ show which they really loved. They could not stop talking about the show and the acts they had enjoyed. This same week Nursery children have been practicing for their end of year performance for their parents. The performance is based on their learning throughout the year accompanied by some singing of the songs linked to their topics. Children were so excited to invite their parents and carers. As the children were preparing for this, they were also thinking about their friends who will be going into Reception and so the week will end with a party celebrating their achievements. We wish to thank our parents and carers for the support they have given to the children. We wish all the Woodside Nursery children and their families a wonderful summer break!!!


Final week of summer term!

This week, the children have focused on consolidating their learning. For maths, the children have been recapping prior learning by finding ‘one more and one less’ than a given number, sharing and recalling number bonds to ten.

For creative, the children have continued exploring colour by mixing colours and creating amazing artwork using their imagination. The children used various tools to shape play-dough and whilst doing so carried out various actions such as pinching, rolling and patting.

Well done, Reception Class for continuing to work hard with your learning. Have a great summer and all the best for Year One!

Key Stage One

Year 1

Year 1 children visited their new Year 2 classrooms. They explored the different books in the reading corner, then had an opportunity to look at some exercise books to gain some insight into what they might be learning and what will be expected, such as using purple pens to up level their work.

After exploring their new classrooms children returned to their Year 1 classroom and discuss what was different and what was the same. Class teacher addressed nervous children to motivate and encourage their new learning stage!

Year 2

In Year 2 this week children developed their reading skills by reading then evaluating different texts. We also had the pleasure of having year 1 visit the year 2 classrooms. Children were to partner up with year 1 children (ratio 5 year 1 children: 1 year 2 child). Using the questions on the flip chart, children asked their year 2 child 5 chosen questions and then wrote down the answers on their whiteboards. It was a very exciting activity which the children enjoyed a lot! 

Lower Key Stage Two

Year 3

For the year 3 classes, it has been a busy last week! On Monday they completed the final pieces of their artwork in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Last week they produced the background and this week they worked over the paint with pastels to create pictures in his unique graffiti style.

We would like to thank all the parents for their support this year, particularly with the trips that we attended. We hope you all have a fantastic break and we look forward to welcoming the children back next year as Year 4 students.

Year 4

As this school year draws to a close and as a well earned incentive for all their hard work, Year 4 has participated and enjoyed a series of eventful fun activities. On Friday, they happily benefited from a fun filled day taking turns on the inflatable obstacle course, then topped it off with engaging, exciting and thrilling adventurous activities at Frylands Outdoor Adventure!

You all have worked so hard and deserve a lovely break with your family and friends. Have a memorable summer break! 

Upper Key Stage Two

Year 5

It has been a super fun final week for the Year 5s, the children have enjoyed spending quality time with their classes before they transition into their new classes for Year 6. On Tuesday afternoon, it was Year 5s sports day, they all had lots of fun trying out the different activities including javelin, egg and spoon races and a tricky obstacle course. They all had lots of enjoyment, pushing themselves to complete each task ahead. Thank you to all the parents who ran the race, you were all stars!

Year 5 would like to say a HUGE thank you to every child in Year 5, you have blown all your teachers away with your growth mindset and maturity. Going into Year 6, just remember you are now the role models for Woodside, younger children will be looking up to you to make the right choices, which we are sure you will all make. We are proud of every single one of you and we hope you ALL have a wonderful summer, we are looking forward to seeing you back in September!

Year 6

Year 6 put on a fabulous production  of ‘The Greatest Show’, everyone dazzled the audience with their magnificent acting talents! We are very proud of all our Year 6 pupils!  We also were busy having fun at the recreational centre in Croydon - Oxygen and we enjoyed the Sports day on Tuesday.

We wish all our Year 6 pupils a happy and successful future in their new schools. We will miss them at Woodside.

Key Dates 

Monday 4th - Wednesday 6th September - INSET DAYS School Closed to Pupils

Thursday 7th September - School Open to Pupils

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Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth