Leadership Education

Leadership Development (LD)


Mr Sim Weiheng (simwh@hci.edu.sg) &

Mr Wong Yan Hao (wongyanh@hci.edu.sg

The LD unit aims to provide opportunities to nurture our students into leaders who are physically fit, mentally alert, socially adept, emotionally stable and psychologically resilient. We hope to enable our students to gain experience in leadership roles, and to learn to contribute meaningfully to society as a servant leader.

Students can participate in the following programmes:

Students can also apply for the following scholarships/awards:



Students’ Council


Mrs Raj - Priyahlatha Nainar


The Students' Council is a major student organisation that plays a large part in the student activities of the school.  It represents the student body in the decision-making process with regards to improving the general welfare of the students, fostering school spirit and sense of belonging, enhancing student school experience and producing responsible student servant leaders of integrity, character and excellence.

The Students’ Council represents the highest apex of student leadership. It is made up of five distinct committees that facilitate various aspects of school life, from encouraging student-administration, communication to student welfare. The Students’ Council also takes charge of organising major school events such as the Open House; Senior Promenade; Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.

How to participate?

Council Election starts at the end of Term 1. Please refer to the section on Students’ Council for more information. You may look out for council and school events and activities on Hwa Chong Unite (http://hcunite.com/).

Internationalisation Programme


Miss Teo Siew Nge (teosn@hci.edu.sg)

The Internationalisation Programme aims to develop students as global citizens, by enhancing their leadership potential and cultural intelligence through exposure to and interaction with the global community. Students will be given the opportunity to learn and appreciate the richness and diversity of cultures both locally and overseas as well as be equipped with the cultural mind-set and skills to interact effectively with and make an impact on the global community.

Interested students are able to apply and participate in the following programmes:


Overseas Community Involvement Programme (OCIP) & Outdoor Education (OE) Programme


Miss Teo Siew Nge (teosn@hci.edu.sg)

The OE and OCIP unit aims to provide experiential learning opportunities for character and leadership development; it serves to widen cultural perspective and enhance 21st CC skills for our students.

Our programme, to countries in Southeast Asia and East Asia, is designed to be blended in nature, may include 2 or more of the following disciplines:

 The service learning component, may range from teaching, health care to construction of basic amenities.

For CCAs bonding, we offer 1 day OE programme, in semester 1, to our neighboring countries.

Most OE and OCIP trips are usually held twice a year during the school holidays during June and Nov/Dec. We hope that the holistic values-forming experiences in a culturally diverse and natural setting, will equipped the students to adapt to changes in an uncertain world.

Students who are passionate about the outdoors, keen to hone their leadership skills, want be an outdoor advocate in HCI, like to network with likeminded outdoor enthusiast and enjoy serving in pre-trip training programme may join the Outdoor Education Student Committee (OESC).

HCI OE & OCIP websites (https://sites.google.com/hci.edu.sg/oeocip) contains videos, photos and reflection, artefacts of students’ learning. Registration and details of OCIP and OE trips can also be found in the above link. Please take note that the programme listed in the website may be subject to change.