Assessment Structure & Promotional Criteria

Our school has realigned our School-Based Assessment (SBA) structures in accordance with Ministry of Education’s emphasis on reforming assessment practices. This shift aims to reduce the excessive emphasis on examinations, creating a more conducive environment for the development of 21st Century Competencies (21CC).  The adjustments allowed more measured pace in teaching and learning, fostering learning environment that nurtures students’ intrinsic motivation for learning. 


In making these changes, we have calibrated the assigned weightings for Weighted Assessment (WA), Promotional Examination (Promo), and Preliminary Examination (Prelim) to appropriately reflect the varying scopes and demands expected of students at different stages of their academic journey. 

Additionally, we have introduced formative unweighted assessments, strategically conducted to provide timely feedback, enabling students to address any learning gaps promptly.

The school has implemented specific guidelines related to the assessment weightings for both levels:

The table below shows the overview of assessment weightings for JC1 and JC2 :

Combination of subjects

The norm is for students to offer three H2 and one H1 content-based subjects, one of which is a contrasting subject. Students must also offer General Paper, MTL and Project Work. The total Academic Units (AU) for the norm combination is 10 AU. This would present a manageable workload for students to enjoy a holistic education. 

Students who have the passion for a particular subject and have the time to go beyond the norm may offer additional H1/H2 subjects or up to two H3 subjects. But the maximum Academic unit is capped at 12 AU.


There are 2 main methods of reporting student progress to parents:

Students and parents can log into Intelligent School Portal (ISP) to check on the tests /examination results.  The JC1 Overall Results and JC2 Prelim Exam Report for JC2 will be handed to the student on the last day of school.

Promotional Criteria 

The JC1 overall results is computed from the WA (30%) and Promotional Examination (70%). 

Students will be promoted to JC2 if they meet the following minimum criteria based on the Overall JC1 results.


(i) H1 content subject pass (A to E grade) is equivalent to a H2 sub-pass (S-grade)

(ii) Pass in General Paper (A to E grade) is also equivalent to a H2 sub-pass (S-grade) 

Students who repeat JC1 have to take 3H2 1H1 subject combinations.

Criteria to offer H3 Subjects

University taught modules

The selection is done by the universities based on the JC1 Overall Results. Students who score at least B in the associated H2 subjects are recommended by the school. 

H3 Research Programmes

All H3 Science Research programmes begin in JC1 Term 2 with the exception of Humanities & Social Sciences Research which starts in JC2. Selection is done by the universities and MOE. Applicants are selected based on research proposal, teacher recommendation and Sec 4 overall results.

MOE H3 Subjects

The selection is based on Mean Subject Grade MSG ≤ 2.8 and within the top 20 percentile for the associated H2 subject. Note that the MSG is calculated based on all H1 and H2 content based subjects of JC1 Overall Results.