Tests & Examinations

Tests & Examinations

1. All students must sit for all scheduled tests and examinations for all the subjects that they are taking.

2. All tests and examinations are part of the learning process, and administered in good faith. Students are to take these tests and examinations seriously, and not engage in any dishonest acts by seeking to exploit loopholes in the system.

3. Any exploitation of the system will be deemed as an attempt to cheat, and disciplinary action will be taken against such students.

4. Sharing of test information through any means (physical, oral or electronic) is strictly prohibited. To uphold the integrity of the assessment process, discussion of test contents (in any form, or medium) should be carried out only after students from all the classes have taken the papers. When in doubt, check with your subject tutors. Sharing of information to students who have yet to take the test or examination will be deemed as an attempt to cheat on the part of both parties. Disciplinary action will be taken against such students.

5. A student who is absent from a test or examination due to illness must produce a valid medical certificate. Otherwise, no marks will be awarded for that test and “absence without valid reason” will be indicated in the students’ records. The student will not be allowed to sit for a retest (if any).

6. All students must be properly attired in full school uniform when sitting for any test or examination. Mobile devices are prohibited in all test and examination venues.