School Logo & Song

The school logo resembles a highly-stylized flaming torch which symbolizes not only a burning passion for knowledge and drive for excellence, but also a deep respect for progress and tradition. The logo is rendered in the school colour, red, in keeping with Chinese notions of symbolism depicting life, vitality and strength. It also takes its inspiration from the Chinese character “华” (“Hua”, meaning “Chinese”), which reflects a passion for the school’s rich cultural heritage, and its mission of nurturing bicultural leaders for the nation.


School Song

As part of our glorious land

Sharing her spreading fame

Hwa Chong will firmly stand

Always to maintain her name

Multi-racial we study together

For knowledge we wish to attain

Many races we shall gather

Each day to achieve its aim

We shall strive with verve

For health in body and mind

We’ll learn to lead and yet to serve

In character ruggedly fine

May Hwa Chong shine forever

Her name big and strong

One and all, let’s stand by her

That she may live on and on


The lyrics of the Chinese school song were written in 1934 by Shao Qingyuan (邵庆元), a teacher in The Chinese High School to fit the tune of Annie Lisle, though the tempo of the school song is much faster.

海天寥廓 云树苍茏 中有我华中

礼门义路 时雨春风 吾侪托帡幪

猗与华中 南方之强 我中华之光

雄立狮岛 式是炎荒 万世其无疆

人生茫茫 学海洋洋 吾侪当自强

朝乾夕惕 日就月将 莫负好时光

猗与华中 南方之强 我中华之光

雄立狮岛 式是炎荒 万世其无疆

迨予庶士 笃实辉光 斐然已成章

膂力方刚 经营四方 前途浩且长

猗与华中 南方之强 我中华之光

雄立狮岛 式是炎荒 万世其无疆