Guidelines for Conduct Grade

Guidelines for Conduct Grade

Serious Offences

Parents/guardians will be informed when serious offences are committed by students. Further actions such as demerit points, probation, suspension or expulsion may be taken by the school. 

Examples of serious offences are, but not limited to:  

The table below shows the award of demerit points for the various serious offences.

A discipline dossier for each serious offence committed will be kept where the details of the nature of the offence and the disciplinary action will be recorded.

Minor Offences

The table below shows the award of demerit points for the various minor offences.

Conduct Grade

The Conduct Grade will be computed based on the total demerit points accumulated in the course of the year. The Conduct Grade will be reported at the appropriate progress reports:



Each year’s Conduct Grade will be independently calculated and reported. 


Repeated offences committed in each school term may result in graver disciplinary action taken against the student.