Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct serves to encourage exemplary student behaviour so that the school community will feel a sense of respect, belonging and security. It focuses on empowering students to exercise self-discipline and personal responsibility. 

We expect every Hwa Chongian to conduct himself/herself with dignity and respect for self and others, uphold and respect the tradition and spirit of the school.

The School Disciplinary Board is made up of the Principal, the Deputy-Principals and the Discipline Committee. 

The Discipline Committee includes the Senior Consultant/ Student Management – Mr. Teo Ming Ern and all faculty teachers. 

All students of the school must always uphold the highest standards of conduct as specified in the School Code of Conduct, presented as follows:

Code of Conduct

We are proud to be students of Hwa Chong Institution and pledge to uphold her good name by behaving in an exemplary manner at all times.  We aim to be a credit to ourselves, our school and our nation.

Our Code of Conduct is based on the four Cs: Consideration, Courtesy, Concern and Care – all of which are underpinned by the basic concept of RESPECT.

2. Respect for TEACHERS

3. Respect for School COMMUNITY

4. Respect for SCHOOL and COUNTRY

School Rules

School rules apply throughout the students’ school life. They also apply when the student is representing the school at any official functions or in any situation that may link him/her to the school.

Disciplinary action will be taken against students who fail to observe the school rules. 

The School Day 

1. All students must report punctually at the designated venues for morning flag raising assembly by 7.40 am (at the school field terrace) on Mondays, 8.15 am for Tuesdays & Wednesdays, (College Central Plaza), and 8.15am (at venue of first period lesson) on Thursdays and Fridays.

2. If the weather is inclement (rain, lightning risk, or haze, etc), assembly will be cancelled and a chime will sound at the time of the respective assembly times to indicate the cancellation. In such cases, all students are to report to the venue of their first lesson by 8.30 am.

3. All students must record their attendance daily by tapping his/her EZ-Link card at the designated card readers. Records of attendance will be updated daily and taken into consideration in the student’s overall Conduct Grade. 

4. A student is considered late for school if he/she is not in the line with the CT group when morning assembly begins with the parade commander giving the command to come to attention. 

5. Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist place over the heart.  All other nationals are expected to stand at attention.

6. A student who arrives after the assembly has begun (but before it is over) must report to the Late-Comers’ Corner at the Right-Wing Void Deck. He/she will be deemed LATE and the Civics Tutor will update the record on ISP each time a student is LATE.  These students will need to submit their EZ-Link cards to the teachers on duty to record their particulars. The card will be returned immediately to the students. 

7. A student who arrives even later (after the assembly is over) must report to his/her Civics Tutor to have his/her attendance for the day marked.  In the case that the student cannot locate his/her Civics Tutor, he/she must leave his/her Civics Tutor a note stating his/her time of arrival in school.  In the event when the student fails to report to his/her Civics Tutor, he/she will be deemed as being absent from school without a valid reason.

8. Students, who require to leave school before lessons end for reasons like illness, are to apply for an Out-of-Campus Pass (OCP) on the ISP. Students are to notify their Civics Tutors, who will verify and approve the OCP via the ISP. Approval is given with immediate effect via email. If the student is unable to contact their Civics Tutor, the student should seek permission from their Faculty EC/SC/PC or SC/Student Management, Director/Well-Being, or   Deputy Principals or Principal.  

9. Once the out-of-campus pass is approved, the student will receive an email detailing the approval. The student must show this approval email to the Security guards at the gates or MRT turnstile in order to exit from school. 

10. When the student returns to school on the next school day, a valid medical certificate or parent’s letter of excuse (for emergencies only) for the early leave should be provided to the Civics Tutor. This document will be filed in the CT file. Students are given a grace period of 10 calendar days to hand in the medical certificate or the parents’ letter of excuse. 

The School Term

1. The school year is divided into two semesters of two terms each. All students are expected to refer to school calendar which can be found in the Intelligent School Portal (ISP).

2. All students are expected to attend school till the last day of every term. Students are expected to go for vacation after the close of a term and end their vacation before the start of a term. 

3. Attendance during school term is compulsory. If a student fails to attend school because of illness, injury or any other valid reason, he/she must produce a valid medical certificate or a letter of excuse from his/her parents to his/her Civics Tutor immediately upon return to the School. 

4. Parents’ letters of excuse are accepted for the following valid reason: minor illness which may not require immediate medical attention.

5. Students are given a grace period of 10 calendar days from the last day of absence to hand in the medical certificate or the parents’ letter of excuse to the Civics Tutor.

6. Only one parents’ letter of excuse is accepted per period of absence from school, whereby the days of absence in this period under excuse are consecutive. For absences longer than 2 consecutive days, parents are expected to provide written verification of the student's absence from school. Students are required to submit one letter per day of absence in the event that these days are non-consecutive. Letters that cover all absences for non-consecutive days will not be accepted.

7. Parent’s letter of excuse is capped at 3 per term.

8. For all other personal matters (e.g. bereavement of an immediate family member, emergencies at home, going overseas for personal matters) students are to apply for leave of absence through their Civics Tutor on the ISP through the Leave Application module, under the ‘Others’ category and seek permission from the Deputy Principal. Students are granted leave of absence to attend to personal matters only when approval from the Deputy Principal has been obtained. Parents’ letters of excuse are not accepted if the Deputy Principal does not approve the leave of absence. Students who are absent from school without such permission granted will be disciplined accordingly.

9. Attendance is also compulsory for the following:

10. Any student found absent from school or lessons or events without a valid reason will face disciplinary action.