CCA Matters


Ms Chen Phi Fern (

CCA is an integral part of education. With a wide range of CCAs including Sports, Cultural, Visual and Performing Arts, Service and Enrichment, students would have the chance to continue their passion from their secondary school years as well as exploring new activities CCAs also seek to consciously expose students to real-life situations or authentic contexts, to facilitate perspective taking, relationship management and moral action. Structured reflection, guided discovery and facilitative problem-solving will help students to internalise the institution’s core values of Passion, Integrity, Innovation, Empathy and Resilience. Each student is expected to take up at least one CCA during their years in college.

There are 3 Main Categories of CCAs:

*Number of CCAs subject to change. 

Click here to find out more about the various CCAs offered in Hwa Chong.


Each CCA can enrol members up to a certain number called the CCA Quota

Calculation of the CCA Quota are as follows:

Sports & Games 

Based on 2019 Pre-Covid19 Maximum Registration for National School Games and Major Sports Competitions (non-NSG sports) for ONE TEAM:

50% Max Registration +3  OR  Two-Thirds Max Registration, whichever is higher.

Visual & Performing Arts, Service & Enrichment

Past 3 years average membership numbers or Highest Past 3-years Year-Membership

[dependent on other factors such as venue capacity requirement. CCAs with flexible venue arrangement will have higher quota)

2) CCA Recruitment Process

Students may register for their choice of CCAs via ISP based on the different phases as listed below.


6-year IP CCAs

Early Integration into CCA

IP students may register in this phase if the CCA has confirmed to accept him/her. 




Applying for 2nd CCA and/or Student Leadership Committees 

Students must meet the following criteria to apply for more than 1 CCA:

Joining the Students' Council Elections



Dr Terng Yew Lian (


Please contact the respective coordinators for more details. 

CCA Registration FAQ.pptx

3) Registration on ISP


If the student is not sure if the 1st choice CCA will accept him/her, and he/she registers it as 1st Choice in ISP registration. In the event that the student is allocated to your 2nd or 3rd Choice, appeal to your 1st choice will not be accepted.

Each student should consider his/her 3 choices carefully.  It is not mandatory to select all 3 choices. 

If you see your CCA under "Current CCA Records", this means the CCA Teacher has manually keyed in. Then you do not need to register. 

4) Other CCA Policies

a. Membership

b. Leadership

[Refer HCI Diploma for more details]

c. Leadership [Uniformed Groups and External CCAs]

d. CCA Appraisal 

By adapting from adult work environment where staff/performance appraisal is a common practice, CCAs will also undergo CCA Appraisal.

The CCA appraisal is an evidence-based reflective tool for assessing the processes and the quality of the CCA programme.


CCA General Calendar.pptx

6) CCA Leadership & Development Framework 

Art of War 孙子兵法

Adapting the concept in Sun Tzu's Art of War.  Our CCA programmes adopt the key factors of success and inculcate the key attributes of leaders in developing the CCA programme and the CCA leaders.  The annual CCA Appraisal, a tool for reviewing the effectiveness of the CCA, is structured according to the key factors of success of the Art of War. 

CCA Council

Students who are keen to be involved in the growth and development of CCA groups can apply to join the CCA Council. Applications that will open in Term 3.
Note: Only students in holding the Top 2 Leadership positions are eligible to participate in the CCA Council elections.