School Rules

School Rules

School rules apply throughout the students’ school life. They also apply when the student is representing the school at any official functions or in any situation that may link him/her to the school.

Disciplinary action will be taken against students who fail to observe the school rules. 

The School Day 

7. A student who arrives even later (after the assembly is over) must report to his/her Civics Tutor to have his/her attendance for the day marked.  In the case that the student cannot locate his/her Civics Tutor, he/she must leave his/ her Civics Tutor a note stating his/ her time of arrival in school.  In the event when the student fails to report to his/her Civics Tutor, he/she will be deemed as being absent from school without a valid reason.

8. Students, who require to leave school before lessons end for reasons like illness, are to apply for an Out-of-Campus Pass (OCP) on the ISP. Students are to notify their Civics Tutors, who will verify and approve the OCP via the ISP. Approval is given with immediate effect. If the student is unable to contact their Civics Tutor, the student should seek permission from their Faculty EC/SC/PC or PC/SD, Director/SD, or   Deputy Principals or Principal.  

9. Once the out-of-campus pass is approved, the student will receive an email detailing the approval. The student must show this approval email to the Security guards at the gates or MRT turnstile in order to exit from school. 

10. When the student returns to school on the next school day, a valid medical certificate or parent’s letter of excuse (for emergencies only) for the early leave should be provided to the Civics Tutor. This document will be filed in the CT file. Students are given a grace period of 10 calendar days to hand in the medical certificate or the parents’ letter of excuse. 

The School Term

8. For all other personal matters (e.g. bereavement of an immediate family member, emergencies at home, attending awards ceremonies) students are to apply for leave of absence through their Civics Tutor who will do so on the ISP through the Leave Application module, under the ‘Others’ category and seek permission from the Deputy Principal. Students are granted leave of absence to attend to personal matters only when approval from the Deputy Principal has been obtained. Parents’ letters of excuse are not accepted if the Deputy Principal does not approve the leave of absence. Students who are absent from school without such permission granted will be disciplined accordingly.

9. Attendance is also compulsory for the following:

10. Any student found absent from school or lessons or events without a valid reason will face disciplinary action.

Use of Sick Bay

Leaving School Early