Mrs. Hazen - Counsellor

Ms. Sacher - Counsellor

Ms. Carter - RAP Facilitator

Ms. Meckelborg - Social Worker


We're here to help!

Email Ms. Sacher or

       Mrs. Hazen  


Contact our Restorative Action Program Facilitator   

Ms. Carter at:

General Questions

Mrs. Harder can help with many general questions! 

Email her at 

Now and always, Self-Care is Important! 


Student Services Grade Visits

Grade 10 & Grade 11

   September Presentation

Principal's Honour Roll

Principal's Honour Roll 

Grade 12 Principal's Honour Roll


The following are the criteria used for calculations:

·       7 final marks at the 30 (Grade 12) level

·       Average 85% or higher

-the marks are made up of First Semester final marks, those previously completed and the mid-term marks of Second Semester

*due to the nature of the Band/CST program, the Honour Roll for Grades 11 and 12

will be calculated using CST marks of the current year

**due to the nature of the French Immersion program, the Honour Roll for Grades 11 and 12

will be calculated using the French classes of the current year




English Program:                     English A30, English B30, Catholic Studies 30, History/Indigenous Studies 30, the next 3 highest electives at the 30 level


French Immersion Program:     Français immersion 30, English A30 or English B30, Études Catholiques 30, Sciences sociales immersion 30, the next 3 highest electives at the 30 level


*Certificate awarded in the current year


Grade 11 Principal's Honour Roll


The following are the criteria used for calculations:

·       7 final marks at the 20 (Grade 11) level

·       Average 85% or higher

*due to the nature of the Band/CST program, the Honour Roll for Grades 11 and 12 

 will be calculated using CST marks of the current year

**due to the nature of the French Immersion program, the Honour Roll for Grades 11 and 12 

will be calculated using the French classes of the current year




English Program:                     English 20, Catholic Studies 20, one Math 20, one Science 20, the next 3 highest electives at the 20 level


French Immersion Program:     The highest mark from Français immersion 20 or Français immersion intégré A/B20, English 20, Études Catholiques 20, one Math 20, one Science 20, the next 2 highest electives at the 20 level


*Certificate awarded the following year


Grade 10 Principal's Honour Roll


The following are the criteria used for calculations:

·       7 final marks at the 10 (Grade 10) level

·       Average 85% or higher



English Program:                     English A10, English B10, Catholic Studies 10, History/Indigenous Studies 10, Math Foundations and Precalculus 10 or Math Workplace and Apprenticeship 10, Science 10, Wellness 10, 


French Immersion Program:     Français immersion 10, English A10 or English B10, Études Catholiques 10, Histoire 10, Science 10, 

                            Wellness 10, Fondements de mathématiques & précalcul 10  or  Milieu de travail &                           formation d’apprentis 10                                                                                     


*Certificate awarded the following year


Grade 9 Principal's Honour Roll


The following are the criteria used for calculations:

·       8 final marks at the 90 (Grade 9) level

·       Average 85% or higher



English Program:                     English A90, English B90, Catholic Studies 90, Social Studies 90, Math A90, Math B90, Science 90, Phys. Ed. 90


French Immersion Program:     The highest mark from Français A90 or Français B90, English 90, Études Catholiques 90, Science humaines 90, Science 90, Mathématiques A90, Mathématiques B90, Phys. Ed. 90

*Certificate awarded the following year