Dream Big:  Take Small Steps

Courtesy of TEDx Talks  
How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson.  
In his talk, Stephen reflects on his own story and how his approach to decision making helped him to achieve ambitious goals in his life. 

Getting Started on Career Planning

MyBlueprint is a great resource for planning your high school classes and exploring various career options. It has several inventories, resume building tool and a job search. Create an account today. 

Create a free account with ALIS and create a career and education plan and job search. 

Books... Find Your Passion


Start With Why Simon Sinek

The Power of Pause     Terry Hershey

What Color is Your Parachute for Teens    Richard N. Bolles & Carol Christen

What's Next?     Kerry Hannon

The Magic of Thinking Big       David J. Schwartz


Zero to One      Peter Thiel

Crushing It      Gary Vaynerchuk

Shoe Dog       Phil Knight

The Intelligent Investor     Benjamin Graham


This Book Will Make You Smarter    - John Brockman

The Art of Statistics    - David Spigelhalter

How Not To Be Wrong   - Jordan Ellenberg

The War of Art    - Stephen Pressfield