Role of Technology in Education

Information technology in education has improved communication. In regions that were once thought hard to reach such as places like sub-Saharan Africa are now accessible through e-Learning . Tutors can even lecture learners over long distances and scholars can achieve their academic papers through e-Learning . Also, students that feel like studying from home can now do it . Advancement of information technology in education has improved research . There are many online libraries that assist teachers and students with comprehensive reading materials. Teachers and lecturers are also able to post their work online for their students to read . Students also get updated information . Every change made in the syllabus is always revised through the internet . For children with disabilities, information technology in education has brought gadgets to help them with learning . For instance, the hearing impaired use electronic devices called Hearing aids They can also use visual learning where sign language is used on electronic media to enhance communication. This has been a role of information technology in education.

Nowadays , Many online learning apps have been developed for to learn things easily . For example :


The Amazon Kindle is a series of e-readers designed and marketed by Amazon . Amazon Kindle devices enable users to browse, buy , download , and read e-books , newspapers , magazines and other digital media via wireless networking to the Kindle Store . The hardware platform , developed by Amazon subsidiary Lab 126 , began as a single device and now comprises a range of devices, including e-readers with E- Ink electronic paper displays , Android-based tablets with color LCD screens and Kindle applications on all major computing platforms. All Kindle devices integrate with Kindle Store content , and as of December 2017 , the store has nearly 5.9 million e-books available in the United States .


PhotoMath is one of the most focused learning app . As the name implies , this one is all about math . It uses your camera and OCR technology to read equations that you write down . It then gives you the answer . More importantly , it shows you the step-by-step procedure on how it came up with the answer . Thus , it gives you the answer and teaches you how to solve the problem . A lot of people who struggle with math , an app like this can help them . The free version provides the basic features . Going regular will get you the step-by-step instructions for completing equations, better explanations , and extra math resources .

3 . i-Tunes U (IOS)

i-Tunes U is Apple's education initiative . This app provides free online courses in a variety of subjects developed by instructors in some of the world's leading universities . Courses come with lots of materials , such as audio , video , e -books and a lot more , with provisions for assignments , highlighting texts and notes to aid the student with coursework . This app provides access to more than 750,000 free lectures , books and other subjects .


Udemy offers students free and paid courses that features everything from programming , Web development , guitar lessons and more . Courses are offered as a series of lectures in the form of video files , Powerpoint slides and own lecture format that combines slides and videos. Courses are designed to be viewed on demand , with Android apps allowing users to stream courses to view on the go , or download and save them for offline viewing .

And a lot more .