TECH ED AT D.L.D.A.V. Model School

1. Online Security

The students of D.L.D.A.V.Model School conducted a role play to present the pros and cons of being on internet.Their motive was to make awareness about the internet,now a days everyone is aware about the technology and their uses but not about the causes of using them at extreme.

2. English Language Lab

The students of D.L.D.A.V. Model School enjoy learning English in a new way that is being organized by the school a lab where all English grammar practices are being done it's a kind of test for the students to check about their understanding and telling them to work on the topics where they are lacking....This encourage the students to work harder day by day....

3. ICT Lab

The students of D.L.D.A.V.Model School enjoy the liberty to sit in groups and search & make presentations together. They are always excited to know about their next activity and to work together.They all enjoy learning about the new tools and new software where they will work in future. The young researchers.

4. Video Conferencing

Our school D.L. D.A.V Model school participated in Video Conferencing organised by Generation Global.Under the face to faith program of generation global. They interacted with their global friends and discussed about their opinion on the topic. They ask questions to each other and get answers to their question.