Independence Day

Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated by Indians on 15 august every year as this is the day on which the Indians got freedom from the British government. Indians got independence on 15 august 1947. It is one of the three national festival of India. Every year, the Prime Minister of India hoists The Indian Flag on the Red Fort . The independence day of Pakistan is on 14 august as one day before Indian independence as India and Pakistan were divided from India.

Colonial powers were transferred to India on August 15, 1947. The Constituent Assembly, to who power was to be transferred, met to celebrate India's independence on August 14, 1947. India gained its liberty and became a free country on August 14 and August 15, 1947. On the eve of Independence Day, the President of India delivers the "Address to the Nation". On 15 August, the prime minister hoists the Indian flag on the ramparts of the historical site Red Fort in Delhi. The speech is followed by march past of divisions of the Indian Armed Forces and paramilitary forces.