Guru Nanak jayanti

Guru Nanak Parkash Utsav

Guru Nanak GurPurab also known as Guru Nanak Parkash Utsav celebrated the birth of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak this is one of the most sacred festival in Sikh.The festivities in the Sikh religion revolve around the anniversaries of the ten Sikh Gurus these Gurus were responsible for shipping the Sikh religion their birthdays known as guru Puran occasion of celebration and prayer among the Sikhs.The sikh have been celebrating Guru Nanak Gurpurab around November for this reason and it has been ingrained in Sikh traditions.On the day of the Gurpurab, the celebrations commence early in the morning at about 4 to 5 am. This time of the day is referred to as Amrit Vela. The day begins with the singing of Asaa -Ki-Vaar (morning hymns).

Guru Nanak Jayanti Sikh festival falls in the month of Kartik (October/November). Sikhs celebrate Guru Nanak's Birthday and the other Gurpurbs with an Akhand Path, a reading of the Sikh holy scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib, continuously from beginning to end. This is done by a team of Sikh men and women, each reading for 2-3 hours over 48 hours, beginning two days before and ending early on the morning of the birthday. On the penultimate day of Guru Nanak Jayanti, a procession takes place in the morning, which is more commonly known as the 'Prabhat pheri'. Five armed guards, who represent the Panj Pyares, head the procession carrying Nishan Sahibs (the Sikh flag). Local bands playing religious music form a special part of the procession.