Reflection GVC 1702


Made By-

Garima Khullar

Kashish Bist


Edited By-

Pratibha Khullar

I am so grateful to be able to work with people from such different cultures. I learned more about our myths and legends. It really brought pride for my home into the mix. I also had two teammates that really helped me with team work. I had a wonderful way to practice art by designing pictures. Global Virtual Classroom was a wonderful learning experience. - Elizabeth, Gulfport, Mississippi USA

Doing this project, I have learned more about music, food, sports and a lot more about both India and the Gulf Coast. It was really fun to team up with India and get to know more about their culture. It has beeen an awesome experience grouping with India for this project. -Sohni, Gulfport, Mississippi, USA

I enjoyed this project because I love sports and know there are people out there like me. I like to read articles from other countries and regions. - Jimmie, Gulfport, MS, USA

Hi! My name is Gianna. I'm in 5th grade and I love sports. I enjoyed doing this project because I got to learn about many different sports on the Gulf Coast . My favorite sport ever is soccer. I hope you have enjoyed this project as much as I have. - Gulfport, Mississippi, USA

I enjoyed doing this project because it was very fun to go out and get pictures. I enjoyed choosing the colors for our site and learning more about culture. I learned more about wy we eat the foods we do on the Gulf Coast - Amelia, Gulfport, Mississippi, USA

I enjoyed learning about tales, legends and ghost stories. I'm in 5th grade and it was fun to work with everyone in my class. I think it's cool to have worked with people in another country. - Owen, Gulfport, Mississippi, USA