Unit 8: 

Day 51

Learning Target:

SWBAT  explain how dictators of Europe threatened global stability

MWH.4.CE: Analyze the significant effects of World War I during the war as well as its affects to the rest of the world.

MWH.4.CX: Contextualize World War II and the Holocaust within local and global economic, political, and social developments from 1919–1950.

MWH.4.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives during the Age of Imperialism and among countries in world conflicts 

a. What do you see in this picture?

b. What message do you think the artist is trying to convey?

2. Students will look at the rise of totalitarianism after WWI and begin to identify the tactics used to keep and maintain power during the interwar period.

Copy of Interwar Totalitarian Rulers.pdf
Copy of Totalitarianism Graphic Organizer