Unit 1: 

Day 5

Learning Target:

SWBAT analyze an object and identify patterns of continuity and changes that occur over time. 

SWBAT utilize primary sources in order to analyze the characteristics of a time period, identify turning points, and evaluate their impact. 

To demonstrate their ability to understand continuities and changes, students should:

● define theme-based continuity and change.

● cite evidence of theme-based continuities and changes within a period of time.

●  determine the significance of turning points in the context of theme-based patterns.

To demonstrate their ability to think in terms of periodization, students should:

● utilize turning points to identify historical periods according to historical themes.

● explain how significant events and related developments lead to changes in historical periods.

●  justify the categorization of historical periods through the use of turning points and related developments.

2. Students will look at their life to determine changes and similarities that have affected their lives.

Change and Same
Continuity and Change Student Activator

3. Students will watch a video on the Evolution of The Bicycle and look at documents to determine the changes and effects over time

Evolution of the Bicycle Graphic For Analysis
Continuity and Change Analysis Chart

4. Students will look at how historians see turning points to determine periodization.

Introduction to Periodization
Periodization Lesson Alternate Format

5. Students will look at headlines that changed history to determine their effects as turning points.

U2 Headlines That Changed History.pdf
Before and After Chart
Classifying the Changes