Unit 1:

Government Beginnings

Day 2:

Learning Target: Students will be able to explain the origins of the state and how power, authority, and legitimacy is derived within different types of government.

1. Quote: Students will learn how to respond to the opening quote to open class.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

-Thomas Paine

2. Continue to finish anything from yesterday.

3. PPT on the origins of a state to explain why government is necessary.

Discussions on:

a. Power

b. Authority

c. Legitimacy

4. Students will need to read Federalist #51 and discuss its importance.

5. Discuss the idea of how you keep power

a. Machiavelli

b. Social Contract

6. Exit Ticket: Students need to explain how you would maintain power in todays world.