Unit 1: 

Day 4

Learning Target:

SWBAT utilize evidence from multiple primary sources in order to determine social changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution.

SWBAT corroborate multiple sources in order to determine reliability. 

To demonstrate their ability to use evidence in the study of history, students should:

● compare various types of sources to be used in a historical study.

● engage in historical thinking skills to collect evidence from various sources that identifies bias, context, tone, purpose, and periodization.

● evaluate secondary sources for accuracy and validity.

●  examine multiple points of view to construct a historical argument.

● corroborate multiple sources.

2. Students will examine evidence and how to determine its relevance.

Copy of Evidence of Social Change Primary Source Analysis Alternate Format
Primary or Secondary?

3. primary source documents for social change

Copy of U1L4 Sources For Analysis
Social Change Primary Sorce Analysis

4. Here is list of evidence based terms to use:


5. Students will use evidence to cooberate information:

Clemson or Carolina
Who Started It