Unit 2: 

Civil Liberties

Day 13:  

Learning Target:  Students will be able to explain the importance of the 1st Amendment by breaking down Supreme Court decisions.

"Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech, than denial of free speech"

-Charles Bradlaugh

2. Students will breakdown the 1st Amendment court cases

-Students will learn B,C,D (Basis of the Case, Constitutional Issue, Decision of the Court)

Free Speech

-Bethel v. Frasier

-Texas v. Johnson

-Tinker v. Des Moines 

-Schenk v. US

Freedom of Religion

-Engel v Vitale

-Minersville S.D. v. Gobitis (West Virginia State Board v. Barnette)

-Everson v. Board of Education

Freedom of the Press

-Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

-Miller v. California

-NY Times v. US

-Schenk v. US