Unit 2: 

Civil Liberties

Day 12:  

Learning Target:  Students will be able to explain the 1st Amendment and apply it to real world situations in school and society.

2. ppt on the basic Civil Liberties

3. Students will breakdown the 1st Amendment

-freedom of speech

what is not free speech? limits?

a. hate

b. seditious

c. slander/defamatory

d. clear and present danger

-freedom of religion

Establishment Clause

Free Excercise Clause

Lemon Test

-freedom of the press


-freedom of assembly 

-right to petition the government

4. Begin 1st Amendment court cases

-Students will learn B,C,D (Basis of the Case, Constitutional Issue, Decision of the Court)

-Bethel v. Frasier

-Texas v. Johnson

-Tinker v. Des Moines

-Engel v Vitale

-Minersville S.D. v. Gobitis (West Virginia State Board v. Barnette)

-Everson v. Board of Education

-Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

-Miller v. California

-NY Times v. US

-Schenk v. US