Unit 2:

Day 11

Learning Target:

SWBAT analyze the influence of the Scientific Revolution in Europe. 

MWH.2.CX:  Contextualize the impact of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment in expanding global interactions in commerce and innovations

MWH.1.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives of global exchanges.

2. Students will look at a power point Galileo


3. Students will read and answer questions on a short reading of the Scientific Revolution.

4. Students will look at a power point on Johan Gutenburg and the printing press:

printing_press_powerpoint (1).pptx

5. Students will click on the following links to answer the qustions below:

"7 Ways the Printing Press Changed the World" 

"Gutenburg and the Printing Revolution"


1.         Why do you think the Gutenberg Bible has been called a work of art and a wonder of technology?

2.         Why do you think the printing revolution in Europe was a unifying force in science but a dividing one in religion?

3.         What gains and losses did the printing revolution help bring about in European society between 1450 and 1550?

4.     Identify and explain the 7 ways in which the printing press changed the world.