Unit 1: 

Day 3

Learning Target:

SWBAT contextualize two newspaper accounts. (Focus on what was going on when the newspapers were created and how the historical context might have influenced the content of the newspapers)

To demonstrate their ability to use evidence in the study of history, students should:

● compare various types of sources to be used in a historical study.

● engage in historical thinking skills to collect evidence from various sources that identifies bias, context, tone, purpose, and periodization.

● evaluate secondary sources for accuracy and validity.

●  examine multiple points of view to construct a historical argument.

● corroborate multiple sources.

🎯Please answer the following question.

If you walk past someone’s house and you hear machine gun fire, what inferences could you make? (After you dive to the ground and say a prayer). 

-If you do not know the context, WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE TIME, then you may make faulty inferences. 

2. Big C and Lillt C:

Big C Little C Historical Geographical Context

3. Students will dicuss contextualization

     -students will examine different articles to see how time and place can help determine content.

A. Contextualization Directions

B. Contextualization Newsapaper Accounts

C. Contextualization Chart

Context Chart

4. Lunchroom Fight

Lunchroom Fight

5. Context of Photo Analysis

Copy of Context Photo Analysis