Unit 2:

Day 10

Learning Target:

SWBAT analyze the influence of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. 

MWH.2.CX:  Contextualize the impact of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment in expanding global interactions in commerce and innovations

MWH.1.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives of global exchanges.

“How do you think the Catholic Church responded to Luther’s teachings?” Why? 

2. Students will examine Martin Luther and the "95 Theses"


3. Students will read about the Protestant reformation and be able to identify how it was carried out in different areas.

Newsela article:  "The Protestant Reformation"

4.  Students replace the center bubble with “Martin Luther’s 95 Theses” and complete the rest of the questions as they create their own organizer.

Protestant Reformation Contextualization