Sounds in Monogame

Sounds effects have a dramatic impact on immersion in a game, and

Monogame supports several types of sound files. The tutorial linked here will specifically cover .wav files, but I will provide an explanation of how you can import .mp3 files as well.

Importing Sounds

Songs vs. Sound Effects

If the sound you are playing is short, import the file as a SoundEffect and if it is long, import it as a Song

Songs in Monogame are streamed in from a file and played through a media player, and thus do not use up as much memory.

Here is a program that demonstrates using a Song and the media player in Monogame:

Here is a good tutorial on how to play sound effects in Monogame.

Here is a good tutorial on how to play songs in Monogame (more suitable for background music).

Here is a GitHub link to a very basic program that demonstrates the use of a SoundEffect and SoundEffectInstance

The tutorial above covers how to use sounds in your game, but is lacking explanation on how to use the MGCB tool to import them into the game. Here is a brief tutorial on how to use the MGCB tool:

Importing Sounds Using MGCB Tool.pdf