Topic 5.3 - Multiple Conditions

Sometimes you need to verify more than one condition if an if statement.  This section will cover how to use boolen operators AND and OR to achieve this.

Topic 5.3 - Multiple Conditions

What to Do?

1 - Complete the tutorial below.  Make sure to complete the programming tasks as well.

Solutions can be found here:

2 - When finished, go to the main Topic 5 - If Statements page and complete Topic 5 - If Statements Programming Assignments, and hand it in.

What to Submit?

1 - You do not need to submit the programming tasks for this section.  Here are the solutions:

2 - There is a programming assignment on the main Topic 5 - If Statements page to complete after you have finished this section.

Lesson Tutorial

Topic 5.3 - Multiple Conditions.pdf