Graphics in C#

This section will cover how you can draw onto any control using GD+. It covers some basic drawing methods, but you will need to use the provided links to official resources in order to find some more details.

Graphics in Windows Forms

Before you do this, you need to be familiar with the coordinate system that is used by Windows Forms (and most programming languages).

Visit this reference page for more information:

What to Do?

1 - Complete the Graphics tutorial.

      • There are links to some good official documentation at the bottom of this page.

2 - Complete the graphics assignment at the end of the tutorial. This will be handed in.

Here are links to the official documentation on how to draw various shapes:

At this link, you can find directions on how to draw any type of shape.

What to Submit?

The graphics assignment you created at the end of the Graphics tutorial.

Part 13 - Basic Graphics.pdf