
If you are having trouble getting Monogame to work, you may find the answer to your troubles here,


Find solutions to common troubleshooting problems here.

MGCB Tool Won't Open

Sometimes, when you add the Monogame extension, the MGCB Tool doesn't open when you double click on the MGCB tool in the Solution Explorer. To solve this, you may need to do a tool restore from the command line. Here are the instructions:

MGCB Tool Not Opening.pdf

The command "dotnet tool restore" exited with code 1

If you are trying to run a program that gives the above error, it is likely due to the fact that you made it on a network drive.

To solve this error, follow the instructions below:

Dotnet Tool Restore Error Code 1.pdf

Not Finding Content

When you are loading content, the name that you specify must match exactly the name of the file you loaded. There should also be no extension.

If you try to change the name of a file through the Solution Explorer, it will stop working. This is because the Content.mgcb file that you edit using the MGCB tool will still be looking for the filename as it was when you first added the content.

You should exclude that file from the project using the MGCB tool, delete it from your project. Re-name the file using File Explorer and re-add it to your project.

SoundEffect Not Loading

When you add an audio file using the MGCB Tool, if it is an mp3 file or a larger sound file, it may set the default converter to make a Song instead of a SoundEffect.