
An Arduino is an open sourced hardware and software platform that is easy to use.

There are many different versions of the Arduino circuit board. Here is a link to the official Arduino website:

We are using the LCD 1602 Starter Kit. Here is the official website:

Determining Resistance

You will find many of the activities we are doing will require the use of resistors. It is important to make sure you select the correct one to prevent damage to the various electronic components. Resistors are marked with colored bands that you need to use to determine its resistance.

Our kits mostly use 5 band resistors. You can calculate the resistance using the chart below, or an online calculator:

Resistance Table

To calculate resistance: Begin at the band closest to one end.The first band is the first digit of the resistance value,the second band is the second digit,the third band is the third digit,the fourth band is multiplier ( number of zeroes after the third digit),and the fifth indicates the percent tolerance.Below table of resistor 5 band color code is given:

Here are the different resistors you will need for our experiments:

      • 10KΩ - Brown, Black, Black, Red, Brown
            • Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between Red and Brown which makes differentiating between the the 10KΩ and 220Ω resistors difficult. You will get to know the difference within your kits.
      • 220Ω - Red, Red, Black, Black, Brown
      • 1KΩ - Brown, Black, Black Brown, Brown
      • 10MΩ - Brown. Black, Black, Green, Brown