Topic 5.1 - Basic If Statements

This provides a basic introduction to simple if statements.

Topic 5.1 - Basic If Statements

What To Do?

1 - Complete the tutorial Topic 5.1 - If Statements. Make sure to complete the various programming tasks.

Here are solutions for the programming tasks if you are stuck, or want to compare your solutions:

2 - When finished, move on to Topic 5.2 - If and Else Statements.

What to Submit?

1 - You do not need to submit the programming tasks for Topic 5.1 - Basic If Statements.

Solutions are provided here:

2 - There is a programming assignment on the main Topic 5 - If Statements page to complete after you have finished Topic 5.2 If and Else Statements.

Lesson Tutorial

Topic 5.1 - If Statements.pdf
