Part 1-4 Project and Test

There is going to be an in class text based on the readings this far. There will be a written and programming component to this test.

Also, complete the mini-game Whompa.

What to Do/Hand In

1 - Complete the review. Check your answers. There will be a test.

2 - Create the text based game according to the specifications and hand it in. Make sure to put your name in a comment at the top of your program!

Wompa Star Wars Game.pdf

Additional Whompa Info

  1. Enemy Distance. Notice that the enemy_distance variable is set to -20. This is because the enemies start 20km behind the player. When you are checking to see if the enemy has caught up to the player, it will be necessary to determine the difference between the enemy_distance and km_travelled. Once they are the same (or the enemy has traveled farther than the player), the enemy has caught up to the player and the game is lost. You also use this difference when prompting the player with the appropriate warning when the enemy gets close.
  2. Balancing the Game. To make this game beatable but fun, you will need to play your game a number of times and adjust some of the values. For example, if you feel that the enemy always catches the player, you can either increase the distance the player travels, decrease the distance the enemy travels, or even start the enemy farther away. It is up to you, the programmer to determine the best course of action.
  3. You can add delays for effect. If you want to 'clear the screen', you can put multiple empty print statements (and/or use a loop or function) to do so.