Topic 4b - Decisions Part 2

This topic will introduce 'and' and 'or' operators that will allow us to check for more than one condition at a time.

Topic 4b - Making Decisions Part 2

What to do?

1 - Follow along with the lesson or go through the tutorial on your own.

2 - Open up the Practice Exercises from Part 4a and add the more complicated checks that are specified in this tutorial.

3 - Once you have finished the practice exercises, begin your ChatBot v1.0 as specified below.

What to Submit?

1 - Submit the Practice Exercises file with the new solutions. I am not marking this, but I would like to see your progress and use it if you are struggling.

2 - You should also submit your Chatbot v1.0 for feedback. This will be marked after we have added to it in the upcoming sections, but if you want feedback, submit it here.

Topic 4b - Making Decisions Part 2.pdf

ChatBot v1.0

Topic 4b - Chatbot v1.0.pdf
