
We will be using Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 for this course. There are many different versions of this program. They are all similar, so learning the basics in Elements 8 will make using another version quite easy.

Mastering Photoshop is something that takes years. We will just scratch the surface in this class. If you have prior experience, or finish things early, I encourage you to use the web to learn to use some different, or more advanced features.

Here is a link to a series of Photoshop video tutorials:

Part 1 - Basics and Layers

Step 1: Make a folder called /Photoshop in your BTT1O1 folder. This folder is where you will save all of your work.

Step 2: Download the files GoghStarryNight.jpg and IceCreamCone.jpg into your Photoshop folder.

We are going to use these files to introduce some basic concepts in Photoshop.

-Basic Tools and their properties

        • Wand
        • Fill Tool
        • Brush Tool
        • Gradient Tool
        • Eraser Tool
        • Text Tool
        • Cookie Cutter Tool
        • Text Tool
        • Crop Tool
        • Eyedropper Tool
        • Lasoo Tool
        • Quick Selection Tool

-Using Layers

Step 3: Use the remainder of the class to experiment

Part 2 - More Basics

Use the IceCreamCone.jpg image to complete the ICE CREAM EXERCISE found below.

You can also check out some examples of student work.

Part 3 - Merging Images

You are going to take an image of yourself, and merge it with another image. See the instructions below for details.

Part 4 - Text

Text is an important component of any type of business document or advertisement.

  • Use the internet to research some different types of text/fonts. See Text Research Online.docx for details.
  • You are to use your initials to create 4 different sets of your own initials. There are some example files below(TextExamples.jpg) that you can use for inspiration. See My Initials.pdf for details.

Part 5 - Magazine Cover

You are to design a magazine cover. You must appear on it somewhere.

The magazine is to be of your own creation, not an existing magazine.

A typical Magazine size is approximately 22cm x 28cm. I recommend making a new blank project with these dimensions.

Things to include (brainstorm as a class):

  • Original Title
  • Barcode
  • Date/Issue #
  • Price
  • Quote/Comment about an article inside the magazine
  • Pictures/Graphics
  • Picture of you
  • Background/Variety of Fonts/Colors/Text
  • Advertisement
  • Headline about something in the magazine


Problem: I have added a picture/text to my project but I can't see it, or it is extremley small.

Solution: It is likely that the base image you are working on is very large. You can see the size of your base image near the bottom of the window. You may need to re-size your base image to make it smaller. I recommend re-sizing by a percent.

    • Image->Resize->Image Size, instead of using cm, use a percentage and make sure Constrain Proportions is checked.

Problem: There is an area selected and I am trying to do something else. It won't de-select! I'm very frustrated.

Solution: You will need to select one of the tools that you use for selecting before you can use right click to bring up the options menu for selection tools. Then you can select De-Select.

Problem: I am not seeing any changes that I am making.


  • Make sure that the Layer that you have selected and are working on is visible
  • Make sure that the layer you are working on is not covered up by another visible layer that is 'on-top' of it. Remember that layers closer to the top of the list will be displayed over top of lower layers.

Additional Bonus Projects

Below are some suggestions for additional projects that you can create, as well as some examples. I will provide bonus marks for any completed projects below:

1. Superhero Character: Create a superhero or villian character of your own. I would recommend starting with an appropriate image, and then modifying it to suit your needs. You could put your face on the hero/villain if you wish.

2. A morphed animal: Create an animal that is a hybrid of two or more different animals. Try to make the transition as seamless as you can.

3. Something sliced: Create an image of something that is sliced open with an unexpected inside.

4. Impossible Scenario: Create a scenario or situation that defies logic.