Intro to Python

We are going to learn the fundamentals of programming using Python. We will program using VS Code, an easy to use and lightweight editor.


Installing Python

Download whatever the latest version of Python is from the official website:

***Make sure to check Add to Path on the first install screen***

What software do I use to program Python with?

We will be programming in Python using VS Code in class, however, there are many other FREE programs that you can write Pyhon Programs in. You may want to watch a video on youtube on how to get each one started. They are all great to use.

Here are some:

VS Code

Download VS code from the official website:

Once downloaded and installed, make sure to add the Python extension like we did in class. You can find videos on Youtube to help if needed.

Visual Studio Community Edition

Download Visual Studio Community from the official website:

Make sure that when you are installing, you add the Python workload. Just read the prompts in the installer.


Download Pycharm from the official website:

Make sure to get the Comminuty Edition as it is free.

Program in IDLE

This comes with Python when you download it. It is not much more than a simple text editor.