Topic 4 - User Input

This section will introduce how to read user input from a keyboard in a console program and store it in variables. It will also discuss how to convert that input into a numeric datatype.

Topic 4 - User Input

What To Do?

1 - Complete the tutorial Topic 4 - User Input. Answer the questions, and attempt all of the tasks suggested. There is a solution set posted at the bottom of this page.

2 - Part of learning how to program is to experiment, and see what happens. Please try out things that are not included in the tutorials, and see what happens.

3 - Make a new C# Console .Net Framework project, and complete the assignment Topic 4 - User Input Assignment below. All you need to submit is the Program.cs file, not the entire project. It can be found in the folder where you saved the project.

For more information on user input, here is a good website:

What to Submit?

1 - The Program.cs file found in the project folder you made for Topic 4 - User Input Assignment.

2 - There will be a quiz given during class covering this material.

Lesson Tutorial

Topic 4 - User Input.pdf

Programming Assignment

Topic 4 - User Input Assignment.pdf
