Part 14 - Classes

This section introduces the idea of what an Object is, and how to effectively create and use your own classes.

What to do/hand in?

1. Read through and complete "Part 14 - Classes (Ch12)".

2. Complete the "Part 14 Worksheet (Ch 12)"

3. Complete the "Part 14 - Lab Project (Ch 12)".


1. Part 14 Worksheet

2. Part 14 Lab

Hints and FAQ's

1. Note that even though this is Part 14 in our course, it is actually Chapter 12 from Program Arcade Games.

Q: I see triple quotes """ around some text. What does that mean?

A: It is indicating that it a "docString" which is a type of comment used for documentation. It is essentially a comment that may contain important information to another programmer who is using the your class. They can view this comment from within another program, without having to look at the source code.