Siméon Xavier Capy 博士

指導教員名Gentiane Venture    


 修了年度:  2022

博士論文のタイトル :Exploring Different Means of Human-Robot Interactions by Using Environmental Data to Adapt the Robot’s Behaviours 


I explored ways to improve the interactions between humans and robots, and also how to evaluate them. Scenarios have been created to have robots that adapt their actions depending on the user or environment. A robot has also been created from scratch to explore further.   


I did a master's course with a research option, and even if, after graduating, I moved to the industry, I was always thinking about going back to research. I took time to elaborate on my project and I wanted to explore the interactions between humans and robots. I wanted to research cutting-edge technologies, work on my project and try to create/find something new that could help society.    


It was a good experience, I learnt how to do proper research, with the literature review and how to reuse previous author works. I also could meet interesting researchers from all around the world. Finally, I could also discover a new country and its culture, and how it works in Japan. 


I could answer the Covid-19 pandemic, but I will try to find something more positive. I will say the lab atmosphere. I really enjoy my PhD in my lab. I could talk and share with my Japanese colleagues, and I learnt a lot in Japanese and about Japanese culture. My lab was international, so I could share with a lot of students from all around the world. We spent a good time together!  


If you think you can work three years on a project that you will build from the literature, try it! It is a one-time life experience! It will be hard, you will be stuck sometimes, you will doubt or your paper will be rejected, do not give up! You will manage to fulfil all the requirements and you will become really proud of yourself when you will get your diploma, and being called "doctor" is classy ;)