Amazon Future Engineer

Amazon supports free computer science . They have a growing list of resources.

Code Break

With schools closed and tens of millions of students at home, join each week for Code Break — the world's largest live interactive classroom, with weekly challenges to engage students of all abilities, even those without computer. Options for beginners, experienced students, and even students without computers. Weekly classroom activities.

Learning Computer Science when Schools are Closed

We want to support teachers, students, and families in any way we can. Below is a set of resources to help your student learn computer science at home. Resources to continue teaching computer science when their students are remote. No computer at home? See smartphone options

Khan Academy on YouTube

A video resource for multiple subject areas including computing.

Mr. Cordiner YouTube

Videos to support Arduino learning, programming, computing and electronics.

UBTECH Education

UBTECH is posting a free robotics-oriented challenge each week -- no robot needed. The company is also hosting a free webinar series that take "deep dives" into artificial intelligence to help educators make the subject "relatable and practical" for their students.


The University of Waterloo Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) has launched a new online tool, CEMC at Home, which includes games, problems to solve, videos and other materials to help students with their studies. The Centre said it would post new content "most weekdays," developed by Waterloo faculty members and current and retired secondary school teachers for each of four grade levels: grades 4-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12.

Unity Technologies

Unity Technologies is providing free access to Unity Learn Premium, a 3D development platform, through Jun. 20, 2020. Registration provides access to live sessions with Unity experts and 350-plus hours of tutorials, hands-on projects, and courses for game developers, covering topics from "Game Mechanic Design Fundamentals" to "Getting Started with Post-Processing Stack for VR." Unity is also delivering virtual classes through "Create with Code Live," free for students, instructors and anyone else interested in learning to code.

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services – Robots Safety Standard Webinar

Webinar and resources for robotics safety.