Asynchronous Tools to Deliver Content

Tools to Support Asynchronous Learning

The tools found in this section of the site can be used to organize, store and deliver learning materials and instructions to students so they can work independently. Think of these tools as the virtual binder or filing cabinet. It is where students will get learning materials in the form of documents, presentations, and videos that you provide for them.

Getting Started

Step 1: Choose a tool. (The choice is yours.)

Step 2: Visit our webpage for that tool to get an overview of the tool.

Step 3: Review the tutorials and how to guides on our site or the tool's website.

Step 4: Create your account.

Step 5: Start planning the first week of tasks and learning content. (Tip: Start small and simple. Then scale up.)

Step 6: Upload the content to your tool.

Step 7: Share the tool with your principal, vice-principal, students and families.

Educator-Led Distance Learning Tips for Families