
Quad9 - emag publié par le CFORP




EMC School iCulture

iCulture offers students immersion into Spanish, French and German-speaking cultures through news articles, documentary-style videos and songs. iCulture is purposefully leveled and can be used with any program, bringing target cultures to life for students at all levels. Follow-up activities and resources enhance instruction along the way. You also have access to all of the archives of materials published since 2009 plus consistently updated resources.

All ILC Courses Have Open Access

The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) has made all of their ILC courses, for all subjects, open and available. Teachers and students can freely access this material. When using this material, teachers still need to create their own questions, and have students submit responses to the teacher.

The ILC has a number of French courses available. While this does not cover all of our classes, there might be some content that you can use. As well, you may find some useful ideas for content in your particular class.

The ILC courses can be accessed by clicking here.