

  • Pick and choose anything from this page that interests your child or come up with your own.

  • These could be great things for siblings (and even parents) to do together.

  • You don't need to turn anything in to Ms. Ryan, but I would love pictures or videos of fun things you do!

Explore music, PE and library activities.


These parts of Ms. Ryan Online include Integrated Content.

The chicks have hatched! Make sure to check for new videos!

Make History: Create your own time capsule!

You can print this out or re-create the pages you like.

2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets.pdf

"Maker May" Projects

Science Exploration

Learn about the scientific method while dancing along.

This is the experiment we did on Zoom. Check out the experiment sheet below.
Scientific Method.pdf
Microsoft Word - Tpt Scientific Method Sheet 4th-8th and 1st - 3rd.doc.pdf

Come up with your own experiment. Share with the class on Zoom or make a video.

Earth Day Everydat Activities

2020_Sustainable Seward Recycling Book (1).pdf

Activities from Sustainable Seward Activity book

Exploring Emotions

Check out Mrs. DeBoard's awesome Zones of Regulation Activities!