Ms. Ryan's Room

Fantastic First Grade Class

NOTE: The link and passcode for all Zoom meetings including open hours is in the announcements on Student Seesaw accounts and was posted to the class story on Class Dojo. I cannot post links of passcodes on this site.


**Please make sure your child's name is typed or I may not know to admit them to the meeting.

**Students should have whiteboards, dry erase marker and eraser cloths (a few blank pieces of paper and a pencil will work for anyone without a board or if markers go dry).

**Please have kids sitting at a table or counter with faces in the center of the screen.

**Chromebooks or computers work much better than Kindles for Zoom.

**Students need to know how to mute and unmute themselves and how to switch between gallery view and speaker view.

Seesaw is bookmarked on the student's Chomebook/Google account. They also have thee Seesaw app loaded on their Kindles. Log in using the QR code on the back of the yellow login card. Click the big green plus sign to add something new. Usually a photo with a voice recording is the best option. Choose which folder to place new items in to keep portfolios organized.

HOW LONG SHOULD SCHOOLWORK TAKE if my first grader temporarily goes to remote learning due to COVID quarantine? This first week is time for us to connect and for parents and students to log in, explore the website and the materials that were sent home. Each day, please find the week's activities under 2 tabs: Language arts and Math. There are lost of extras on the integrated content , calendar. Plan to spend 30+ minutes in each area. If student works hard for that long, it is OK if they do not finish all activities. Come back to them another day if you have extra time. If students finish early, they should read, write in journals, practice math facts, or work in their math review packet. In addition to the "school day", students should continue to read for 20-30 minutes daily, possibly at night before bed.

Contact Ms. Ryan or through ClassDojo with questions or to request a call or Zoom meeting.

I will respond by that afternoon M-F and when possible on weekends and evenings.