
Choose 3 activities each day.

Don't forget to get up and move while you sing along!

Challenge: Sing the days of the week and months of the year songs. See if you can sing without reading them!

Grab a BIG handful of pennies and practice counting by 1.

Grab a handful of dimes and practice counting them by 10.

Challenge: See if you can count backwards 100 to 80. Peek at the number chart for help.

Grab a handful of nickels and practice counting them by 5.

The activities below this message are things we have not yet done in class. You are welcome to explore on your own or you can wait until I introduce them.

First graders will be learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour

Challenge: Get a bag of coins. See if you can name each coin and how much it is worth. Find nickels and count by five to $1. Find dimes and count by 10.