Mission Valley Elementary School

Home of the Beavers

April 2023

MVE Office Staff

Jacyln McClintock, Principal

Jennifer Fereira, Secretary

Claudia Fuentes, Office Assistant

Office: 510-656-2000

Fax: 510-226-7056

Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mission Valley Elementary School 

41700 Denise St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

Hello Mission Valley Elementary Families,

I am still off campus this month but we are happy to have Ms. Sumi Okuda on campus as Acting Principal during my absence. I will continue to provide updates on my return as they become available. Reach out to Ms. Okuda for any immediate needs since I will have intermittent access to email.

We are so proud to honor our award winning staff for their tireless efforts to provide high quality education and experiences for our students. Last month Ms. Srinivasan was recognized as Mission Valley Teacher of the Year. Ms. Hughes was awarded Elementary Teacher of the Year by the California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD). Please join me in congratulating both of these outstanding educators! We are fortunate to have such caring, creative, and hard working staff.

Please note that the office will be closed for the upcoming spring break on Friday, April 7th and will reopen on Monday, April 17th. 

Annual administration of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests begins after spring break and runs through the middle of May. Please see the testing section in this newsletter for more information. Students will take the test during the school day with school staff. 

For any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Be sure to check out our school website for the most current information regarding events, schedules, and contact information. You can also read the scrolling messages on our marquee near the valet entrance. GO BEAVERS!

Jacyln McClintock, Principal


Photos of the Bike Mobile event sponsored by Alameda County Safe Routes to School. The two-man crew repaired over 50 bikes for our community members free of charge!

Mark Your Calendars

22-23 MV Calendar.pdf


We are looking for donations of copy paper to support classrooms and the office. Any quantity of 8 1/2 x 11 white copy paper is welcomed. Please drop your donations off at the office. If you have a large donation please call us to coordinate the delivery. Thanks in advance!

Science Olympiad

This year we had eight teams comprised of students in grades 4-6 represent Mission Valley in the Bay Area Elementary Science Olympiad. Students met with volunteer parent coaches outside of the school day and on weekends. Two of our teams ranked in the top 2 overall out of 28 teams! Congratulations to the first place team PHtatoes (left) and second place team Octowhales (right). We are so proud of all our participants and volunteers for their countless hours of practice, collaboration, and hard work. Kudos for putting in the extra time for this fun and enriching experience!

2023 Hopkins Expo.pdf

Incoming 6th and 7th Grade Hopkins families,

Hopkins staff invites you to their Hopkins Expo on Wednesday, April 19th from 6:30-8 :00PM. This is a great time to check out the campus, see students' work, and talk with staff about the classes next year. There will be student performances and food trucks as well. We hope to see you at this community event. Please see the attached flyer for details.

You and your families are invited to join us for Music Night hosted by MVSA and Music for Minors II. The event will be on Monday, April 24th from 7:00-8:00pm in the multiuse room. Help the committee plan by completing the Google form. Please see the flyer for details. Come out for this wonderful community building event to enjoy music, singing, and dancing!

Mission Valley School FMN (April 25th 2023) (2).pdf

Green Team & School Garden

Mission Valley has partnered with a number of groups incuding the student Green Thumbs gardening club, MVSA's Green Team, Interact District 5170 Area 5, and local scouts groups to beautify the school garden and landscape around campus. We're growing vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. Students and volunteers have also been pulling weeds and planting flowers.

Interact Area 5 is part of Rotary International, a nonprofit organization that works towards several humanitarian efforts. Through this project, high school students from across Fremont Unified School District are helping create informational guides and tend to the garden with a hope that Mission Valley Elementary School students will soon be involved. Any FUSD high schooler can join this effort by simply connecting with their Interact clubs at their high school!

Parents or community members can get involved too! Contact Vidya Uday at vidyauday@yahoo.com for more information.

You are invited to join the FUSD elementary counselors on Thursday, April 20th for a workshop designed to help families develop healthy expectations for their students. See the flyer for more details including registration information. 

Parent Workshop Registration Link.pdf
Upcoming Parent Workshops 2022-23 School Year.pdf

Parent Workshops offered through FUSD

Please see the list of Parent Workshops offered throughout the year. Next up is the workshop on Understanding ELPAC.

SAVE THE DATE for the Jog-A-Thon

Mark your calendars for the Jog-a-Thon on Friday, May 19th! This is Mission Valley's major fundraising event of the year. More details to come and in the meantime get your running shoes ready!

California Assessment of Student Performanace and Progress (CAASPP)

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP, is the state academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave high school ready for college and career. CAASPP

includes computer adaptive tests in English language arts, mathematics, and science.

Students in grades 3-8 and 11 will take the computer adaptive tests in English and math in Spring of 2023. Students in grades 5, 8, and an assigned high school grade will take the tests in science. If you would like more information regarding your school’s schedule, please contact your school’s main office.

Following the spring testing, students will receive individual score reports. Student score reports will be sent electronically to parents/guardians in late summer/early fall and will include an overall score, a description of the student’s achievement level for English language arts, mathematics, science if applicable, and other information.

If you would like more information, please visit the Parent/Student tab of the CDE CAASPP Web page. Parents and guardians have the right to exempt their student from taking the CAASPP assessments. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s participation, please contact your school’s


Attendance and Tardies

Daily attendance and being on time are crucial factors in how successful children are in school. You are helping your children to set lifelong patterns when you prioritize their attendance in school and their arrival on time. Tardies interfere with instruction in the classroom, both in terms of the time the student is missing from the classroom and the disruption the student causes when he/she arrives. Education Code 48260.5 has strict guidelines for families to follow when truancy (absences) or tardies are a concern. A letter will be sent home to notify you when your child’s attendance record begins to suffer. Please help us to help your child learn responsible work habits by getting them to school on time. 

Just a few reminders:

At-Home COVID-19 Tests

The state emergency declaration and orders from CDPH and ACPH have changed as of the end of February, as have the recommendations on when to test.  For spring break, we are NOT doing a mass COVID test give away.  Instead, FUSD is aligning with the CDPH recommendations in the attached flier (post exposure, post travel, and pre large gathering). Over the counter tests are available in the office upon request.

When_to_Test_Flyer English.pdf

Noon Duty Supervisors Needed

We are looking to add additional noon supervisors at Mission Valley Elementary School. The hours are from 11:05am- 12:35 daily. If you are interested, please contact the front office or Jacyln McClintock (jmcclintock@fusdk12.net) and we will walk you through the application process.

Volunteers @ Mission Valley

We have several exciting events and study trips coming up and are thrilled to welcome back parent volunteers for the 2022-2023 school year! All volunteers must:

For more information, please see the Volunteer Page of the FUSD Website.

Counselor's Corner

Have you met our School Counselor, Ms. Maher Tamana? Check out her flyer with information about what's going on this month!

April 2023 Newsletter

FUSD Child Nutrition Vacancy

We need your help filling a child nutrition services vacancy for Mission Valley's breakfast proogram. We encourage you to apply online. Please contact Evonne Ojeda at eojeda@fusdk12.net in Human Resources if you have any questions. 

Harvest of the Month April 2023.pdf
Breakfast April 2023.pdf
Lunch for April 2023.pdf

2022-2023 FUSD School Year Calendar

Please see the 2022-2023 FUSD School Year Calendar. 


Mission Valley Elementary School

41700 Denise St. Fremont, CA 94539 [MAP

Office: 510-656-2000 ┃Fax: 510 226-7056

Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00pm

"Fremont Unified School District is part of a culturally and linguistically rich community. Our policies embrace a discrimination and harassment-free environment."