Sahan Radaliyagoda

Visual Arts Body of Work.The Driver.mp4

Sahan Radaliyagoda

‘The Driver’

Time Based Forms

Materials: Premiere Pro 2021, Sony A7 iii

Number of Pieces: 1

For my artwork I chose to make a film, as to me it’s the most expressive art form. I was influenced by Neo-noir films, I made my film to reflect these films, especially with the dark setting. Neo-noir films are films with a very dark and ominous nature. I wanted that same feeling in my film. I chose not to show ‘The Drivers’ face that much as it made the character more ominous and mysteries which is what I wanted. I shot the film in 4:3, I did this to make the film look older than it actually is, I love old cinema especially films from the 40’s and 50’s which is where they used 4:3, I also used 4:3 as it gave a claustrophobic feel like the walls where slowly closing in

I drew the concept of the film from my own life. As an immigrant I know how hard it is to fit into a place where you don’t belong. The film explores the mental toll it takes on a person to live in a society that treats him like rubbish. The film was heavily influenced by the film genre Neo-noir, my film has the same themes and characteristics. Neo-noir films follow a protagonist of loose morals, the protagonist is usually anti-social. I took these tropes and added them to my film’s central character who is a person of loose morals and he’s anti-social

Influencing artist:

Wes Anderson, Orson Welles, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese