Minjae Seo

Minjae Seo

‘The Ballad of Martial Arts’


Graphite pencil on paper

2 drawings

For my work I have chosen to use graphite pencil on paper. This enabled me to be able to layer on shade over time and reach a greater tonal range throughout the process. Images of figures were chosen for their movement and not for particular individuals. By having 2 drawings I hope to create a natural fluid motion between both pieces conveying the beauty of the martial arts.

In my work, I have chosen a multitude of martial artists to showcase their flow of movement and the bodies sculpted from their craft. My work acts as a representation of the mind and soul, and of one's determination and strive to train and perfect an art passed down by the previous generation. The overlapping and placement of the figures create a natural flow depicting the movement of time and the passing of generations. The title of ‘The Ballad of Martial Arts’ hence relates martials arts to the narration of a story passed down from generation to generation.

Influencing artists: Leah Yerpe, Paul Jackson, Neal Adams