Every day at the time that your Art class is scheduled to begin, log into Google Classroom and join the “DAILY ZOOM” that matches the class period that you are in. The link will be posted at or near the top of the “Stream” page. To make it easier, I have set it up so that you can use the same link everyday.

Once class begins please follow appropriate Zoom etiquette.

1) ROLL: Please be patient for class to start, or to be let in from the waiting room. Having to admit both live students in to class and distance learners in to Zoom can take some time. I will admit students in to class from the waiting room one at a time and mark them as present on my engagement log - roll sheet. At a convenient time, I will transfer Zoom attendance to PowerSchool. Students who enter late can easily be marked absent and then forgotten, so if you notice this in PowerSchool send me a chat as a reminder. To ensure you get recorded as present, make sure your Zoom name is as it appears in PowerSchool.

2) VIDEO: Requiring students to show their face, may change throughout the year. If I request you to show your face, then do so, if not and you feel more comfortable with it off, that is totally fine. If your video becomes a distraction, I will shut it off to maximize student engagement, or remove you from the class.

3) REQUEST TO SHARE YOUR SCREEN: There may be times when it will help me to help you if I'm able to view your screen. In these instances, I may ask you to share your screen. If you would feel more comfortable doing so during office hours then either zoom chat with me or email me to schedule a time.

4) ASK PRIVATE QUESTIONS: Questions should be asked via "chat". Due to the majority of students returning to school, you will need to be extremely patient for me to respond. Odds are I will most likely be helping a student seated at a table at school. The “Chat” settings will be set so that students' questions & comments will only be seen by me. If you wish to ask a question and remain anonymous, I will either: 1) respond to you privately with a return chat when convenient, or 2) read the question or comment to the class without saying who it’s from if the question or comment appears to be for, or can benefit the entire class. Of course you are always welcome to email me at any time in the afternoon.

5) REQUEST TO SEE YOUR WORK: At times throughout the class I may ask some or all students to hold up what they’ve been working on, so that I can evaluate your progress & offer suggestions. This is not a requirement, but it does allow me to evaluate your work and provide feedback. Art Design students may be asked to share their screens during sessions.

6) BE FLEXIBLE: This is a work in progress, and I’m sure we’re not all going to get it right on the first try, and will have to adjust so that class runs as smoothly as possible.