Watch all of the video in the order that they are shown. It's important that you watch and listen to all of the information in the videos so that you don't miss any important steps. Not doing so may create a situation where you have to start your project over, and then you wind up wasting your time rather than saving it.

PRINTING: It's extremely important that the image prints out to 4.5" X 6"!!!!

  1. On your Chromebook and in Photopea, export your image as a jpg. Make sure you know where project is saved and what you named it.

  2. Start up one of the student iMac computers in the Art room, and log in to your student Google Drive.

  3. Double-click on it to open it and deselect the footer and header options.

  4. Print it out.

  5. If you need help with any of the above steps make sure to ask Mr. Stav for help.

FINAL STAGES: If you don't have access to a light table you can tape your large drawing to a window during a time when the sun is shining bright. Sometimes the line from the pencil drawing can be difficult to see, thus making it hard to trace to the thumbnail printouts. If this is the case, have Mr. Stav show you a more complex method using some "Old School" technology called carbon paper.