Multi-Media Drawing/Painting

By now you've got some experience behind your belts using a variety of media and drawing and/or painting styles. The intent of this project is for you to display your skills in utilizing these materials and techniques. You may choose what you wish to draw, but as usual you will be graded on the quality and complexity of your completed project. Your project must include but is not limited to the following media...

  1. Ballpoint Pen or Sharpie (Felt Pen)

  2. Color Pencil

  3. Tempera Paint and/or Watercolor Paint

Links below should be used for review on individual techniques. Remember you will be combining several of these techniques and media to create your final project.

Even though this link takes you to the shaded face webpage, you don't have to do a shaded face. You would, however, use the same basic placement & proportion, gridding, and shading strategies to whatever subject it is you choose to draw.

In order to complete this assignment, or the Airbrush Rendering Assignment, you would need to have access to your own airbrush, equipment and supplies.